

Добавлено: July 25, 2023

SPECIALTY "Advertising"
The goals of the OBOR SPO in the field of training and education of the individual.
               3.4.1. In the field of training, the goal of the OPOP SPO is training in the specialty 032401
"Advertising" is training in the basics of humanitarian, social, economic, mathematical and natural sciences, obtaining a secondary vocational education that allows the graduate to work successfully in the chosen field of activity, to possess universal and professional competencies that contribute to his social mobility and stability in the labor market.
               3.4.2. In the field of personality education, the purpose of the SVE training in the specialty 032401 "Advertising" is the formation of social and personal qualities of students: purposefulness, communication, tolerance, increasing their general culture.
                3.5. Area of professional activity of graduates.
                The field of professional activity of graduates in the specialty 032401 "Advertising" includes the areas of development, modification, adaptation, customization and maintenance of software.
                3.6. Objects of professional activity of graduates.
                The objects of professional activity of technicians in the specialty 032401 "Advertising" are: organizations (enterprises) of various industry orientations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms.
                 3.7. Types of professional activity of graduates.
                  Types of professional activity of technicians in the specialty 032401
    "Advertising" are: Development and design of advertising products.
            PC 1.1. Search for promotional ideas.
            PC 1.2. To carry out artistic design and selection of the optimal visual means of advertising.
            PC 1.3. Develop creative advertising projects.
            PC 1.4. Compose and design advertisements.
            PC 1.5. Create visual images with advertising features.
                                   Promotional production.

            PC 2.1. Select and use tools, equipment, basic visual aids and materials.
         PC 2.2. Create object models taking into account the selected technology.
         PC 2.3. Perform originals or individual elements of the project in the material.
            Marketing and legal support for the implementation of an advertising project (product).
         PC 3.1. Analyze the requirement of target consumer groups using market research tools.
         PC 3.2. Determine and develop a strategy and means of promoting an advertising product
         PC 3.3. Provide legal and legal support for the advertising project.
         Organization and management of the process of making an advertising project (product).
         PC 4.1. Plan work (own or group work) on the development and technical execution of an advertising project.
         PC 4.2. To control the execution on compliance with the advertising idea and the advertiser's order.
         PC 4.3. Interact with the customer during the implementation and delivery of the advertising project.
         PC 4.4. Register and protect copyright for an advertising product.
         PC 4.5. Implement technologies for promoting an advertising product.
         PC 4.6. Make decisions in accordance with the requirements of advertisers and documents regulating advertising activities.
         PC 4.7. Ensure safety in the production area.
Implementation of complex advertising projects.
         PC 5.1. Choose a creative strategy for the implementation of complex advertising projects.
         PC 5.2. Create scripts and advertising texts.
         PC 5.3. Search for a figurative solution to an advertising message.
         PC 5.4. To search for optimal technologies for the implementation of an advertising project.
         PC 5.5. Apply methods and techniques of directing in the implementation of an advertising project.
               3.8. Tasks of professional activity of graduates
A graduate in the preparation of the specialty 032401 "Advertising" must solve the following professional tasks in accordance with the types of professional activity:
               3.8.1. Production and technological:
Development and design of advertising products.
Marketing and legal support for the development and implementation of an advertising product.
Organization and management of the process of manufacturing and promotion of an advertising project (product).
              3.8.2. Organizational and managerial:
            - organization of the work of the team of performers; planning and organization of work; selection of optimal solutions when planning work in non-standard conditions

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